Today, I continue to rerun the last few episodes of the Sterealizations storyline, involving Lenny the Leprechaun as he deals with his fears of being sterile! "Lenny at the Whorehouse" is the last episode that appeared on my other blog!
New Ink Pitt--Sterealizations INTERLUDE: “Lenny at the Whorehouse”
Lenny the Leprechaun walked up to what appeared to be a whorehouse! It was an old, large wooden house with a porch out front. On the porch stood just about every type of woman a man could hope for! There was an Asian, an African-American, several types of American white women (redheads, brunettes, and blondes), an East Indian, a Native American Indian, a Mexican, European women (British, Irish, Spanish, and German), and even several Big Beautiful Women! Lenny smiled and eyed his prospective ladies carefully. With such great selection, how in the green hell would he choose just one?
Just when he was about to decide that he would have them all, another whore walked out of the house to join the rest on the porch! The woman was much taller than the rest, and seemed to have a flawless body, with everything proportioned perfectly! Lenny was in awe. Surely, this was the perfect woman! He had made his choice! He would have her! Being as short as Lenny is though, he hadn’t bothered to look up at the tall woman’s face, until now. What he saw was a bit shocking! The seemingly flawless woman had one flaw--she hid her face with a wrestler mask! Lenny thought that maybe this chick wasn’t so hot after all, and decided he would look the rest over again. His choice was taken from him however, as the tall woman quickly grabbed the Leprechaun and pulled him inside the whorehouse!
As strong as Lenny was, he could not resist the tall and powerful woman, and was helpless in her grasp! His desire to resist faded fast anyway, as the woman threw him on a bed and took her top off, revealing the most perfect breasts Lenny had ever seen! Lenny smiled again. Maybe this masked woman wouldn’t be such a bad roll after all! Lenny really didn’t care about what she looked like anyway! It was the other parts of her that mattered most to him! The woman got on top of Lenny, unzipping the Lecherous Leprechaun’s pants! Lenny’s green dragon, however, was nowhere to be found!! The woman searched and searched, but could not find it! Lenny looked down in horror, and then began to feel for it. He too, could not find it! Lenny began to feel an awful feeling of horror setting in. He was not only sterile, but now he was impotent as well!! To make matters worse, the woman began laughing at him. Lenny began to get angry, but before he could do anything about it, the woman pulled of her mask, revealing her face!
The woman was none other than personal trainer and fitness nut, JILLIAN MICHEALS! Lenny screamed in horror! Jillian began to yell at Lenny, and made him get down and do push-ups! Lenny managed to get away, running out of the whorehouse and into the night. It was then that he woke up. Lenny lay in bed in the spare room in Rachel’s house. It had all been a nightmare--except for the part about Jillian Micheals’ looks, which are real! Lenny sighed and laughed at the absurdity of the dream. There was no way his big green dragon would just up and disappear! Yet, perhaps it was a symbol of his vanished virility! Lenny grew fearful again, and couldn’t wait for his test results concerning his possible sterility to come back!
The Pitt Report updates Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights!
All characters, stories, and performances are (C) 2010 Joshua Dyson