Monday, October 3, 2011

New Ink Pitt--Priesthood Meeting

Lenny must
become...A PRIEST?!?

Makings of a Mormon pt. 5 of 5: “Priesthood Meeting”

Lenny held tightly to Rachel’s hand as they walked through the double doors leading to the sanctuary of the Mormon church. The leprechaun took comfort in the thought that whatever indoctrination he was about to endure, at least his lady love would be there with him! Rufus held Rachel’s other hand, and was walking slightly behind his “mommee,” as if he was frightened. Rachel was used to her son’s behavior, and dragged him along. Rufus whispered, “Mommee I scawed!” Rachel reassured her son as they walked towards a pew, telling him it was all right. Rufus had been coming to church with his Mommee for quite some time, but he still acted like it was his first time. Lenny expected people to stare at them, but oddly enough, no one even looked in their direction as they made their way to the middle of the sanctuary and sat down.

The main service of the Mormon church then got underway, and it began with random people getting up during a short “meeting” and giving “testimonies.” Lenny was baffled. Where was the priest with the fancy robe? There was little order to the “meeting,” as it seemed anyone could just get up and talk about whatever they liked. Lenny got bored, and looked at the back of the pew in front of him. There was a little shelf built in that included a song book, and THE BOOK OF MORMON. Lenny reached forward and pulled out the Book of Mormon. Rachel glanced down momentarily and smiled. Lenny read the cover to himself. It read, “The Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ.” Lenny jokingly laughed to himself. “This is going to be good!” Before he could read anything though, everyone stood up and started singing. Lenny got a little “peesed off” since he was trying to read. He thought about standing up too, but his height would have made it impossible to see anything over the pew in front of him. So he just sat there and waited for the singing to stop.

Finally, the singing ceased, and Lenny was told that there would be yet another “meeting!” Lenny growled to himself. Just how many meetings did these Mormons have a day? Lenny thought they were business people rather than churchgoers. Lenny got upset when he realized he had to be separated from Rachel yet again, and that he had to sit with Rufus during something called the “priesthood.” Lenny really didn’t want to become a priest, since he still liked being in a relationship with a woman! Rachel assured him that it wasn’t like that as she left for her separate meeting.

So Lenny stayed, and sat there with Rufus, who was drooling all over himself and staring blankly at the front of the sanctuary. Lenny sat in this all-male meeting, and listened to Brother Brad, who talked about becoming a Mormon priest and spreading their version of God’s word. Lenny didn’t believe any of it, but endured because of Rachel. He vowed yet again that he would be with her, no matter what!

All characters, stories, and performances
are (C) 2011 Joshua Dyson

The characters and events portrayed in this work are fictious.
Any similarity between persons living or dead, are purely coincidental.

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