Peepers’ Pitt--The Last Battle pt. 3 of 3: “End of the Battle”
Peepers was struggling for his life! The once-godlike Peepers was now at the mercy of another powerful being, in the form of the gargantuan Kamola! Kamola held Peepers tightly in her massive fist over her head and seemed to be preparing to eat him!!
Suddenly, a white light appeared behind Kamola. It grew brighter and brighter until everything was enveloped in it. Peepers thought that it was very similar to the white light that had briefly separated him from the perfect woman. In that moment, Peepers realized that the people in his Pitt had not acted alone in fooling him. There had been some high-powered help, and Peepers suddenly realized who it was!
The white light lessened a bit, and a white cloth appeared. It was the same cloth that had rescued Humphrey and the others from where Peepers had placed them, and it was also the cloth that had appeared with the toilet that created the Crunch. The dark silhouetted figure appeared as well! Peepers shook his head in disbelief over not having foreseen this! Only one person could steal his Whitespace powers from him…the creator of the Whitespace himself…GLADEMUS, Prophet of Optimism!!
The silhouetted figure was aware of Peepers’ discovery of his identity, as he now wielded the godlike power of an entire universe! Glademus was again one with the Whitespace! He dispelled the darkness around himself and was revealed to all! Below, Humphrey, Charlie Decaye, and the others looked up in awe at Glademus!
“KAMOLA! Stop! Do not eat Peepers! GLADEMUS, Prophet of Optimism has spoken!” Glademus floated through the air over to where Kamola held Peepers in her grasp.
“So, how are you?” Glademus smirked.
“Peepers should have known it was you! You disappear after leading us to Whitespace, long before Peepers absorb its power! Peepers assume you gone for good!”
“That’s sad! Peepers, you know Glademus doesn’t do sad! Farewells are that way, which is why I didn’t tell any of you goodbye!”
Peepers squirmed around in Kamola‘s fist. “Peepers not care! Peepers like you even less than your counterpart…Prophet of Doom! How you find Peepers, take his power, and fool him?”
Glademus laughed. “Well, it was easy! The Whitespace belongs to me! It came out of my overwhelming optimism, and desire to be positive in ALL situations! I can sense it no matter where I am in the universe!”
“I’m just such a nice guy that I let you borrow it for a time! Taking the power back was easy, since it’s mine! As for fooling you, I just used the Whitespace power to make you see what you wanted you to see! The “Perfect Pitt Challenge” was fun to watch, even if it wasn’t real!”
Peepers glared. “Peepers not like being watched! That Peepers’ job! So you came back and got your power! Now get Peepers down from here!!!”
Glademus motioned to Kamola and she lowered Peepers to the ground. She then shrank down to normal size (which was still slightly overweight, but in the right places), and was raised up off the ground by Glademus. He pulled Kamola in for an embrace and long, passionate kiss!
“How’d I do, honey?” Kamola asked.
“You did great, my love! Such an optimistic performance!” Glademus smiled. Peepers looked perplexed. The hungry, giant monster of a woman who had tried to eat him a few moments ago was now talking and making out with Glademus?!?
Glademus explained. “Kamola was my “mole” in this whole operation. I used her to distract you while I rescued those you’d exiled to those environments. She’s also my wife! I allowed you to see her on our world when you “took” her for your Peepers’ Pitt.”
“Peepers not like being played, Glademus! He have all-power here, and then you come and spoil Peepers’ fun! How Peepers ever get experience if he not able to control people here?”
Glademus smirked at Kamola and then looked back at Peepers. “You’re going to get plenty of experience, Peepers! After that first interaction with those you’ve brought here, I took a large amount of your Whitespace power. I still allowed you to retain a very small portion of it, which is why your outfit, glasses, and hairstyle have changed. You are now in a gray area between who you were and who you became as the godlike Peepers. During this time, you will be exiled with those you brought here, so that you may get true experience, by interacting with your victims. Enjoy!”
With that, Glademus and Kamola vanished, leaving Peepers standing in the middle of an upset group of Peepers’ Pitt castaways who were ready to enact some vengeance on him…
All characters, stories, photos, drawings, and performances
are (C) 2014 Joshua Dyson & Crevice Creations
All characters appearing in this work
are fictitious. Any resemblance to real
persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental