Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Alleyway Escape

Peepers’ Pitt--The Gray Experience pt. 5 of 6:  “Alleyway Escape"

 Peepers grasped the rungs of the ladder as he made his way up to the top of the building.  He escaped getting his foot caught by Charlie Decaye, who was now on the ladder as well.  Peepers looked down to see Choo Choo Andrews join Decaye, as he attempted to figure out how to levitate more than a few feet off the ground.  Decaye yelled at him because he had lost control of the black smoke he was releasing, and the alleyway was full of it.  Peepers was able to continue uninhibited until he reached the top of the building.

"SQUAWK!"  Birdy Nok Nok appeared before Peepers could lift himself over the edge of the building, and nearly caused him to fall!  Peepers grasped the top rung with one hand as the bird man flapped his feathers wildly.  Peepers swatted at him, and managed to get him to move enough that he could get onto the roof.  Birdy Nok Nok jumped around and squawked even more now when Peepers pulled himself up.  Peepers swatted more at him and scared him back, but was unable to stop his noisy antics.  With the other Pittians sure to make it to the roof in mere moments, how would he ever escape and make it to the Tinker's Lab?

Peepers then got a crazy idea.  He looked around on the rooftop for any debris.  He found an old shoe, which was one of the many random "props" he'd placed in this city in order to make it more real.  He picked it up by a shoelace and dangled it before Birdy Nok Nok.  The bird man was instantly transfixed and could not take his eyes off of the swinging shoe.

"Peepers may not have godlike power, but he still have power of hypnosis!  Birdy simple creature and soon fall to Peepers' suggestion!"  Peepers grinned, remembering how much the power of his original glasses depended on his knowledge of hypnosis.  Aside from his ability at tinkering with electronics, the art of hypnosis was Peepers' greatest skill!  A few moments later, Birdy Nok Nok was under his complete control!

"Now, Birdy, Peepers say...carry Peepers up and away from here!"  Birdy then leaned over, and Peepers jumped onto his back!  They then began to ascend from the rooftop as Birdy flapped his wings.  They were high in the air when Decaye and Choo Choo arrived on the roof.  Peepers looked back, and stuck out his tongue at them as he flew away!


All characters, stories, photos, drawings, and performances
are (C) 2015 Joshua Dyson & Crevice Creations

All characters appearing in this work

are fictitious. Any resemblance to real
persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental


Purchase Mr. Peepers and the Peepspace Season 1!  
Collects all 24 pages of the Season 1 comic strip
First appearance of the comic strip version of Mr. Peepers!
Click the picture to visit the store! 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Peepers' Pitt--Ladders

Peepers’ Pitt--The Gray Experience pt. 4 of 6:  “Ladders" 

Peepers faced Humphrey Hobo and Choo Choo Andrews in the alley.  He sought to escape them as quickly as possible, before they could use whatever powers they now had.  Peepers tried to slip around them, but was surprised to be grabbed by Humphrey, who'd never shown such incentive before!

"Let Peepers go!  Why Humphrey Hobo suddenly do something interesting after all this time?"

Humphrey smiled.  "I's do it because I don feel tha hungry, Peepers!  Glademus make me feel nourished, but I still not totally full!"

Choo Choo then levitated above the ground as Peepers' mouth fell open in astonishment!  Flight was the last ability he'd expected Glademus to give Choo Choo.  "Do not struggle, Peepers!  You cannot escape us!"

Peepers smirked.  "Choo Choo like flying so much after air train ride Peepers give him* that now he ask for flying powers?  Peepers not see that coming!"

"Do not mock me, Peepers!" Choo Choo stated as black smoke began to come out of his mouth.  "I have the ability to levitate and release smoke from my mouth like a train!  I am now as mighty as the train engines!"

Peepers looked up at Humphrey.  "Humphrey, why Choo Choo use his power to hide food from you?"

"Wha?"  Humphrey was puzzled.  "Wha you talking about, Peepers?  Wha food?  Where?"

"Peepers see it!  Food behind trash can over there! Choo Choo plan to smoke up alley and hide food for himself!  Peepers not think you like!"

Humphrey then lost all interest in Peepers and let him go to look behind the trash can.  Peepers then escaped through the building cloud of smoke!  He ran towards the street but collided with something before he got there.  He fell backwards a bit, but did not fall totally off his feet.  He then looked through the clearing smoke to see the horrible pumpkin face of Charlie Decaye!

"Peepers!  Surrender!  You will not escape!"

Peepers looked around, and then realized he was right next to a ladder leading up the side of the building.  Most of the buildings he created in his Peepers' Pitt were just for show. In lieu of fire escapes, Peepers placed ladders on the sides of the buildings for the Pittians to climb up to the rooftops, hopefully to do something of interest.  Climbing gave them a challenge, and Peepers could enjoy watching their struggle.   It was he who faced a struggle now, as he quickly made his way up the ladder in an effort to escape his pursuers!



All characters, stories, photos, drawings, and performances
are (C) 2015 Joshua Dyson & Crevice Creations

All characters appearing in this work

are fictitious. Any resemblance to real
persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental


Purchase Mr. Peepers and the Peepspace Season 1!  
Collects all 24 pages of the Season 1 comic strip
First appearance of the comic strip version of Mr. Peepers!
Click the picture to visit the store! 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Peepers Pitt--Alleyway Attack

Peepers’ Pitt--The Gray Experience pt. 3 of 6:  “Alleyway Attack" 

Peepers sat in the corner of the abandoned building he was hiding in, contemplating his next move.  How was he going to get past the now-empowered Pittians and make it to the Mad Tinkerer's lab?  He had placed the lab on the other side of his Peepers' Pitt.  In order to get there, he would have to cross the snowy plain and desert:  two landscapes that did not offer any protection from the elements or being seen.

A loud explosion with a concussive blast of brick and mortar at the other end of the building would force Peepers to come to a decision.  The decision was to run!  He escaped out the back door just before the energy-imbued mechanical robot of the Mad Tinkerer ripped its way through the remainder of the wall and rolled in its tank treads.  It scanned the building with its single glowing rectangular eye while gripping and releasing air with metal clamps that served as hands.


The robot was followed by his creator, the Mad Tinkerer, who had spiked hair that was as crazy-looking as Peepers’ fauxhawk!  “Yes, my robot, instruct the others on Peepers’ capture!  Show them the superior intellect I have given you!”


Outside, Peepers did not hear the overly obvious plan that the robot had made.  He would have laughed if he had, but laughter was not appropriate for him at that moment.  Peepers had just run right into several of the other Pittians, who of course knew to keep an eye on the back door!


All characters, stories, photos, drawings, and performances
are (C) 2015 Joshua Dyson & Crevice Creations

All characters appearing in this work

are fictitious. Any resemblance to real
persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental


Purchase Mr. Peepers and the Peepspace Season 1!  
Collects all 24 pages of the Season 1 comic strip
First appearance of the comic strip version of Mr. Peepers!
Click the picture to visit the store! 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Peepers' Pitt--Power of the Pittians

Peepers’ Pitt--The Gray Experience pt. 2 of 6:  “Power of the Pittians" 

Humphrey Hobo and Choo Andrews searched the rubble for Mr. Peepers.  Behind them were the other "Pittians," of the Peepers' Pitt.  Charlie Decaye lead the odd assortment of Jervas Clinkscales and his #1 ho Lucy, Van Punker, Boris the Russian solider, the Mad Tinkerer with his robot, and the EMT Man!  Overhead, bird-man Birdy Nok Nok flew in an attempt to better scout the area.

"I's can't fine Mr. Peepers nowhere!  I's search every trash can and under every piece'a rock!  Not fine Mr. Peepers, but I fine this!"  Humphrey held up a plastic sandwich bag with a half-eaten, spoiled tuna fish sandwich.  He offered some to Choo Choo, who nearly threw up when he smelled it.  "Thas ok!  Mo fo me!"  Hunchbacked Humphrey then sat down on some rubble and ate it all up.

"What happened?" Choo Choo spoke.  "Where are the abilities Glademus promised us? We are going to need them to find Mr. Peepers!"

Charlie Decaye walked up, nearly frightening Humphrey out of eating his sandwich. The Kind Man with the Mean Face was concerned.  "I don't know.  Glademus said that we'd absorb some of Mr. Peepers' power after we touched him and he let out that burst of light."

Jervas Clinkscales cut in.  In one hand he held his pimp cane, and with his other, he held the arm of his #1 ho, Lucy.  "Ey man!  I ain't wantin' no powers; I just want to find Mistuh Peepahs and pay him back fo saying my Lucy got a dirty hoo ha!  Then I wanna go home!  Bizness here is terrible!  That foool Glademus probably lied to us!"

Suddenly, a white burst of light appeared right in front of them.  It faded to reveal Glademus, Prophet of Optimism!  "You guys have to stop being so negative!  I certainly did not lie to you!  You do have powers after that first interaction with Peepers, but I didn't allow you access to them until now.  So be empowered my Pittians, now!

With that, white energy appeared, starting with the EMT Man in the back, and working its way up through the group of Pittians until it reached Humphrey up front!  The energy then lessened and concentrated itself to certain areas on each individual.  It centered on the head of the EMT Man, where the letters were written on his forehead.  With the Mad Tinkerer, it stayed in his hands, and his robot seemed charge up as his light panels brightened!  Boris the Russian soldier's muscles increased in size, much to the delight of Lucy, whose breasts grew a few cup sizes larger at the same moment!  Jervas' hands absorbed the energy, and  grew freakishly larger, which only served to piss him off.  It was evidently supposed to increase his "pimp slapping" skills.  Van Punker absorbed the energy into his throat and fingers, which gave him an amplified voice and air guitar skills that actually produced sound!  Charlie Decaye absorbed the energy into his face, and gained the power to switch between his pumpkin-scare face to that of a normal-looking white guy face.  Choo choo absorbed the energy into his feet, and gained the power to levitate and move forward like a train above the ground along with an ability to create smoke from his mouth.  Humphrey absorbed the energy into his stomach, which gave him the ability to stay well-nourished, but just short of being full.  He also gained tracking abilities one step above his normal hobo skills.  Birdy Nok Nok absorbed the energy into his wings above.

"Great!"  Glademus beamed with pride.  "Now, you are no longer separate individuals brought together randomly.  You are a unit, unified by your powers and your mission!  You are the Pittians and your mission is to find Mr. Peepers!  Go and capture him, and I will send you home!"


All characters, stories, photos, drawings, and performances
are (C) 2015 Joshua Dyson & Crevice Creations

All characters appearing in this work

are fictitious. Any resemblance to real
persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental


Purchase Mr. Peepers and the Peepspace Season 1!  
Collects all 24 pages of the Season 1 comic strip
First appearance of the comic strip version of Mr. Peepers!
Click the picture to visit the store! 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Peepers' Pitt--Peepers Powerless

Peepers’ Pitt--The Gray Experience pt. 1 of 6:  “Peepers Powerless”

Peepers was in trouble.  Glademus had taken his godlike abilities and only allowed him to retain a small portion of power.  According to Glademus, this power was represented in Peepers' new gray outfit, red glasses, and spiked fauxhawk!  Peepers felt that his new look alone could defeat the crowd of Peepers' Pitt castaways that had begun to surround him!

Peepers squinted his eyes behind his glasses in an attempt to activate the remainder of his power.  When nothing happened, he strained to increase his concentration by furrowing his brow and clenching his teeth.  Nothing.  Peepers then decided to motion for his power to come forth by waving his hands.  Once again, no evidence of his power displayed.  Finally, Peepers searched his costume and new glasses.  Unlike his original outfit and glasses, there were no buttons for his strobe effect, x-ray vision, or hypnotic holograms.  Peepers turned quickly and ran for cover, narrowly escaping Humphrey Hobo and Choo Choo Andrews who had been approaching from behind.

Peepers scrambled through the rubble of the buildings that the giant Kamola had felled and escaped down an alley.  Though he had no powers, Peepers still had the advantage of knowing his surroundings better than anyone.  He had created every inch of this partial town from his imagination.  He located a still-standing building and made his way inside from a back entrance.  Once inside, he sat in a corner and plotted his next move.  Where was this small portion of power Glademus mentioned, and what did it have to do with the new outfit and glasses?  Peepers did not have to ponder long, as a white light suddenly began to fill the room, and out of it appeared Glademus!

"Peepers!  How ya doing?" Glademus had a huge smile on his face.

"Peepers not good!  Peepers upset!  Where power you say Peepers have?!?"

Glademus looked around and then back at Peepers.  "You didn't find it yet?"

"No!  Peepers look everywhere....but he not find it!  Prophet of Optimism crazy!"

"You have the power, Peepers!  You're just going through a Gray Experience!  I said that you were now in a gray area between the human Peepers you were before and the godlike Peepers you became!""

Peepers curled his mouth in confusion.  "So?  What that mean?!?

"It means that you still have a portion of godlike power that I placed within your new glasses and costume, which are a combination of your old black costume and your godlike white one!"

"So why Peepers not have any power to fight off pursuers?!?"

"Well with a gray experience, nothing is easily determined, or accessed.  To access the power of the outfit, you have to work for it!  It needs a charger to make it activate!"

"What charger?!?"

"To power up the batteries!  Devices like the one you're wearing don't run off solar power, you know!"

"What?!?  Why you make dumb outfit that run on batteries but have no charger?!?"

"There is a charger!  You just have to go find it!  I couldn't just freely give you access to it after you misused my whitespace power.  You have to earn it!"

Peepers groaned.  "So where charger?"

"It's in the Mad Tinkerer's lab!"

"What?!?  Mad Tinker's lab very far away from this place!!  It take a whole day to walk there!!"

"Hey it's not my fault that you put the lab there!  If you make it there, you'll be able to use the outfit to escape your pursuers and leave here!"

"Peepers not want to escape them if he have power!  He will defeat them!"

"If you can!  Running is probably better now though!  I forgot to mention that when they all touched you; the power that was zapped out of you was split among all your Pittians!  They all have their own extra powers now, and will keep them until you either escape or they catch you!


All characters, stories, photos, drawings, and performances
are (C) 2015 Joshua Dyson & Crevice Creations

All characters appearing in this work

are fictitious. Any resemblance to real
persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental


Purchase Mr. Peepers and the Peepspace Season 1!  
Collects all 24 pages of the Season 1 comic strip
First appearance of the comic strip version of Mr. Peepers!
Click the picture to visit the store!