New Ink Pitt--Dealing with the Dupes pt. 8 of 12: Rear Entry
Billy G. sat in the hospital room that held Manly Men Safari, Yellow, Brown, and Midnight. Now that it was revealed that the stalker of the Manlies was supposedly the “original” Manly Man, things were more confusing than ever! If Billy G.‘s boss, the Presidential Princess Gaymerica, and his AmbASSadors, which consisted of the other Manly Men, were not the original Manly Man, split into five versions, then who were they? Billy G. wondered who exactly he had been working for all these months. Was this sixth Manly Man truly the original, or was he just someone playing mind games with the Manlies in order to throw them off? Whatever the case, a worried Billy G. had called Manly Man Gaymerica, who had gone into hiding after being attacked. Hours had passed, and the Presidential Princess was set to arrive at any moment now.
Gaymerica did arrive, pulling up in a large stretch limo at the back of the hospital. It was his hope that he could keep his arrival secret by going in the back way. Gaymerica laughed as they came to a stop in front of a door marked “Rear Entry.” He spoke to his driver, who was a translucent image against the screen between them. “Ooo now this is really Gaymerica’s style! The Presidential Princess is--when it comes to public outings--a front and center, attention-getting kinda guy, but at the end of the day, he still likes to use the back door the most!” Gaymerica reached over and ate some salted peanuts. “How about you, Ted? Do you like to go in the rear?” Ted the driver did not speak. Gaymerica laughed. “Oh, Ted? What are you doing up there? Are you masturbating to your Presidential Princess in the front seat?” No answer. Gaymerica grew worried. “Ted, are you ok?” The screen between Gaymerica and his driver suddenly slid down, revealing a face quite shocking to the Presidential Princess! It was the Original Manly Man! “Oooo, hello there, Gaymerica! Good to see ya again! I’m proud of you--taking charge like you have--but sugar, now it’s time for the original to reclaim his rightful place as the one true Man Princess! So, goodnight for now! Heheh!” The screen slid back up quickly. Gaymerica was still in a state of shock as gas began to enter through the air vents in the car! In a few moments, Gaymerica was unconscious! The Original Manly Man drove off, kidnapping his dupe and leaving behind a clue that would lead all the Manlies to him!
*To see the events leading up to this story, check the Classic Pitt Report blog at
Gaymerica, face-to-face with the Original Manly Man! |
Billy G. sat in the hospital room that held Manly Men Safari, Yellow, Brown, and Midnight. Now that it was revealed that the stalker of the Manlies was supposedly the “original” Manly Man, things were more confusing than ever! If Billy G.‘s boss, the Presidential Princess Gaymerica, and his AmbASSadors, which consisted of the other Manly Men, were not the original Manly Man, split into five versions, then who were they? Billy G. wondered who exactly he had been working for all these months. Was this sixth Manly Man truly the original, or was he just someone playing mind games with the Manlies in order to throw them off? Whatever the case, a worried Billy G. had called Manly Man Gaymerica, who had gone into hiding after being attacked. Hours had passed, and the Presidential Princess was set to arrive at any moment now.
Gaymerica did arrive, pulling up in a large stretch limo at the back of the hospital. It was his hope that he could keep his arrival secret by going in the back way. Gaymerica laughed as they came to a stop in front of a door marked “Rear Entry.” He spoke to his driver, who was a translucent image against the screen between them. “Ooo now this is really Gaymerica’s style! The Presidential Princess is--when it comes to public outings--a front and center, attention-getting kinda guy, but at the end of the day, he still likes to use the back door the most!” Gaymerica reached over and ate some salted peanuts. “How about you, Ted? Do you like to go in the rear?” Ted the driver did not speak. Gaymerica laughed. “Oh, Ted? What are you doing up there? Are you masturbating to your Presidential Princess in the front seat?” No answer. Gaymerica grew worried. “Ted, are you ok?” The screen between Gaymerica and his driver suddenly slid down, revealing a face quite shocking to the Presidential Princess! It was the Original Manly Man! “Oooo, hello there, Gaymerica! Good to see ya again! I’m proud of you--taking charge like you have--but sugar, now it’s time for the original to reclaim his rightful place as the one true Man Princess! So, goodnight for now! Heheh!” The screen slid back up quickly. Gaymerica was still in a state of shock as gas began to enter through the air vents in the car! In a few moments, Gaymerica was unconscious! The Original Manly Man drove off, kidnapping his dupe and leaving behind a clue that would lead all the Manlies to him!
*To see the events leading up to this story, check the Classic Pitt Report blog at
All characters, stories, photos, drawings, and performances
are (C) 2015 Joshua Dyson & Crevice Creations
All characters appearing in this work
are fictitious. Any resemblance to real
persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental
NOW CELEBRATING 10 YEARS OF THE MR. PEEPERS CHARACTER!!Purchase Mr. Peepers and the Peepspace Season 1!
Collects all 24 pages of the Season 1 comic strip
First appearance of the comic strip version of Mr. Peepers!

Now taking Sketch Card Commissions at Awerty Studio
Check out my Sketch Card of the Week... SARAH CONNOR FROM TERMINATOR GENISYS
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