Coach Spurrier vows that he and Snigger the horse will never be parted!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Sh*t Pitt--Snigger's Save
Coach Spurrier & Snigger on the run!
Spurrier & Snigger pt. 3 of 3: “Snigger's Save”
Spurrier sweated profusely. The Cocky Coach was in a serious situation, and he didn’t know what to do! He was on the back of the Rosewood Cowboy’s horse, Snigger, who galloped down the road at full speed! Snigger’s speed was not enough however, as the Rosewood Cowboy had caught up with them in his pickup truck! Even worse, the Cowboy was now less than ten feet away and had his pistol pointed dead at Coach Spurrier! Spurrier’s mind raced and a lump grew in his throat as he saw the Cowboy pull the trigger!
Everything had gone black for a second, and Spurrier realized it was only because he had closed his eyes in anticipation of being shot! He opened his eyes to find himself whole and unhurt. He looked around and realized that the Cowboy was no longer directly behind them, as Spurrier heard the noise of the truck in the distance. Spurrier looked down at Snigger, who had stopped running, and was now standing in the road. The horse had darted to one side at the last minute, and saved Spurrier’s life! The Cowboy had been unable to stop and continued down the road. Spurrier smiled and felt up Snigger’s neck at the realization at what the animal had done.
“S-Snigger! Y-you saved mah life! Ah should’a had a hole in me right now! Thank ya, boy! You really do care about me, don’tcha?” Snigger neighed, and Spurrier smiled.
The Cocky Coach then leaned over and wrapped his arms around the horse’s neck.
“Ah love you too Snigger! Gonna make you mine, no matter what that ole Cowboy does! You and me is soulmates! Nothin’ can come between us!”
Spurrier’s moment with Snigger was halted at the sound of screeching tires. The Rosewood Cowboy’s truck had finally come to a stop down the road. He turned and looked out the window back at Spurrier with rage on his face! He then kicked his truck in reverse, turned around, and began speeding up the road towards Spurrier and Snigger! Before Spurrier could act, Snigger went nuts, standing on his hind legs and almost throwing the Cocky Coach off his back before bolting into the woods on the side of the road. Spurrier held on tightly as Snigger moved quickly through the woods. The Cowboy tried to drive his truck after them, but ended up running into a tree! He was uninjured, but his capture of Spurrier and Snigger would be delayed for quite some time! Snigger and Spurrier continued through the woods, to who knows where!
Everything had gone black for a second, and Spurrier realized it was only because he had closed his eyes in anticipation of being shot! He opened his eyes to find himself whole and unhurt. He looked around and realized that the Cowboy was no longer directly behind them, as Spurrier heard the noise of the truck in the distance. Spurrier looked down at Snigger, who had stopped running, and was now standing in the road. The horse had darted to one side at the last minute, and saved Spurrier’s life! The Cowboy had been unable to stop and continued down the road. Spurrier smiled and felt up Snigger’s neck at the realization at what the animal had done.
“S-Snigger! Y-you saved mah life! Ah should’a had a hole in me right now! Thank ya, boy! You really do care about me, don’tcha?” Snigger neighed, and Spurrier smiled.
The Cocky Coach then leaned over and wrapped his arms around the horse’s neck.
“Ah love you too Snigger! Gonna make you mine, no matter what that ole Cowboy does! You and me is soulmates! Nothin’ can come between us!”
Spurrier’s moment with Snigger was halted at the sound of screeching tires. The Rosewood Cowboy’s truck had finally come to a stop down the road. He turned and looked out the window back at Spurrier with rage on his face! He then kicked his truck in reverse, turned around, and began speeding up the road towards Spurrier and Snigger! Before Spurrier could act, Snigger went nuts, standing on his hind legs and almost throwing the Cocky Coach off his back before bolting into the woods on the side of the road. Spurrier held on tightly as Snigger moved quickly through the woods. The Cowboy tried to drive his truck after them, but ended up running into a tree! He was uninjured, but his capture of Spurrier and Snigger would be delayed for quite some time! Snigger and Spurrier continued through the woods, to who knows where!
Join my mailing list and receive art postcards featuring my characters! Send your postal address in message form on facebook at or email to
All characters, stories, and performances are
(C) 2011 Joshua Dyson
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Shit Pitt--Spurrier & Snigger

The Rosewood Cowboy wants his horse back!
Shit Pitt--Spurrier & Snigger pt. 2 of 3: “Pickup Pursuit”
Coach Spurrier flew with wild excitement down the road! On the back of Snigger, the Rosewood Cowboy’s horse, Spurrier felt anything was possible! The mighty beast galloped with an insane fury along the dirt road leaving the Cowboy’s farm. His rider, the Cocky Coach himself, was thrilled! Longing to once more feel the unusual bond between himself and the horse, Spurrier had sought Snigger out, and “horse-napped” him!
Spurrier had taken Snigger from the Cowboy’s farm, but the horse had put up no resistance at all! It seemed like Snigger was more than happy to let the old coach ride on his back, and direct him wherever Spurrier wanted. Spurrier’s ability to “coax” Snigger was uncanny indeed.
“YEE HAWW GIDDYUP SNIGGER! YOU FINE BOOGER YOU!” Spurrier held Snigger’s bridle with one hand, and smacked the horse’s butt with the other. He was having the time of his life! “WE GON’ HAVE US A GREAT TIME!”
Suddenly, a gunshot rang out from behind, and a bullet shot past Spurrier, barely missing the bill of his trademark visor while his head was turned to the side! Spurrier looked back, and saw an oversized pickup truck! It was Chance Clemens, the Rosewood Cowboy, in hot pursuit of his stolen horse and Spurrier! Clemens pointed a shiny pistol out of his truck window. “Who…the hell…do ya think yew are? Try ta..take mah horse--gon’ pay…the price!” He took some more shots, but missed. The Cowboy then spat out the window as he pressed his foot all the way to the floor, speeding the pickup truck up! Spurrier got scared. No matter how fast Snigger could run, there was no way he could outdistance a pickup truck! The truck grew closer until it was right up behind Spurrier and Snigger. Snigger struggled to outrun it, but it was impossible. Spurrier turned to see the Cowboy barely ten feet away from him, pointing his pistol. He pulled the trigger once more…
Spurrier had taken Snigger from the Cowboy’s farm, but the horse had put up no resistance at all! It seemed like Snigger was more than happy to let the old coach ride on his back, and direct him wherever Spurrier wanted. Spurrier’s ability to “coax” Snigger was uncanny indeed.
“YEE HAWW GIDDYUP SNIGGER! YOU FINE BOOGER YOU!” Spurrier held Snigger’s bridle with one hand, and smacked the horse’s butt with the other. He was having the time of his life! “WE GON’ HAVE US A GREAT TIME!”
Suddenly, a gunshot rang out from behind, and a bullet shot past Spurrier, barely missing the bill of his trademark visor while his head was turned to the side! Spurrier looked back, and saw an oversized pickup truck! It was Chance Clemens, the Rosewood Cowboy, in hot pursuit of his stolen horse and Spurrier! Clemens pointed a shiny pistol out of his truck window. “Who…the hell…do ya think yew are? Try ta..take mah horse--gon’ pay…the price!” He took some more shots, but missed. The Cowboy then spat out the window as he pressed his foot all the way to the floor, speeding the pickup truck up! Spurrier got scared. No matter how fast Snigger could run, there was no way he could outdistance a pickup truck! The truck grew closer until it was right up behind Spurrier and Snigger. Snigger struggled to outrun it, but it was impossible. Spurrier turned to see the Cowboy barely ten feet away from him, pointing his pistol. He pulled the trigger once more…
Join my mailing list and receive art postcards featuring my characters! Send your postal address in message form on facebook at or email to
All characters, stories, and performances are
(C) 2011 Joshua Dyson
Monday, August 8, 2011
Pitt Report--Rachel on Lenny's Lifestyle
New Ink Pitt--Lenny’s Lifestyle pt. 5 of 5: “Rachel on Lenny’s Lifestyle”
Lenny continued to kick, punch, and stomp the man beneath his small frame. The leprechaun had gotten really “peesed off” when the man had tried to make time with Lenny’s lady--none other than Rachel the Mormon mommy! A headbutt to the groin had sent the man down, and now Lenny was unleashing his Irish fury!
“Thought ye was a big tough guy! Ye were gonna stab me with yuir little bottle! What in the green hell is wrong with ya? This Leprechaun too much for ye?”
Rachel watched in horror as the man began to cough up blood from all the blows he was taking from Lenny. She was on her cellphone, trying to reach Brother Brad. When he answered her call, Rachel told him the whole story and asked him to come down to the Irish pub and take her home. The call finished, Rachel ran over to Lenny.
Lenny ceased his actions, and turned to look up at the beautiful, fair-skinned redhead he had given his heart to! His heart raced at the sight of her, and most of his anger left. Surely she would be moved by his efforts to protect her, and give him a kiss!
“Lenny, I’m leaving.” Rachel then turned to walk away. Lenny jumped off the man and ran after her.
“Rachel? What do ye mean? I took care of this bastard--now we can get back to havin’ fun!”
“No. I’m going home. You’re so violent, and your lifestyle is too different.”
“What are ye talkin’ about? I beat this guy up to protect ye! I did it for ye!”
“I know, Lenny, but I can’t be with someone who lives like this! All the fighting, drinking, and sexual advances are not…appropriate. It’s not a fitting lifestyle for a good Mormon woman.”
“Rachel…I was just trying to show ye a good time! Please don’t leave me!”
“No. It hurts me to my heart, but I have to go. I can’t be part of this. God, if only you were a Mormon. Maybe then it would work out.” Rachel then walked out of the pub, leaving Lenny behind.
Support this blog and my other artistic efforts by purchasing a comic! THE PITT REPORT: INK PITT SAVANNAH is on sale at
The Pitt Report updates Mondays and Tuesdays!
All characters, stories, and performances are
(C) 2011 Joshua Dyson
All characters, stories, and performances are
(C) 2011 Joshua Dyson
Monday, August 1, 2011
Pitt Report--Fightin' Irish
New Ink Pitt--Lenny’s Lifestyle pt. 4 of 5: “Fightin Irish”
Last time, Lenny attempted to get Rachel to relax in the Irish pub by showing her an Irish dance. Rachel was impressed by Lenny’s moves and was finally starting to enjoy herself! The fun was short lived, however, as a man in the pub tried to flirt with Rachel! When the man put his hand on Rachel, Lenny got “peesed off,” and demanded that the man leave her alone. The man refused, and grabbed Rachel’s arm, which sent Lenny into action!Now, Lenny stood facing the man, ready to fight! The man held a broken beer bottle, and pointed the sharp edges in the direction of the leprechaun.
“Ya bit me, ya little bastard! Ya gonna pay for that!” He started to move forward, but before he could make a single step, Lenny ran under the man’s legs! The man looked down.
“What ya tryin’ ta do? Ya ain’t gonna get away from m--” The man quickly grabbed his crotch as Lenny ran out from under him with a grin on his face. Lenny had headbutted the man in the crotch! The man fell to the floor in pain! Lenny walked around with his little chest stuck out. He then jumped up on the man’s back and started trash-talking!
“Well, well, well…what we got here? A big bleedin’ buffoon! Thought ye was a tough guy and ye was gonna beat the little leprechaun up, didja? Ye sure don’t know me well do ye? Let me introduce meself. Me name is Lenny the Leprechaun, and I don’t get beat easy! But…when it comes to beatin’--I raise more green hell than a banshee on her period!” Lenny then began to pummel the man with his fists and feet, punching and kicking him senseless! Rachel, who was horrified at the sight of Lenny so violently beating the man, took her cellphone and called the one person she knew could help--Brother Brad!
Support this blog and my other artistic efforts by purchasing a comic! THE PITT REPORT: INK PITT SAVANNAH is on sale at
The Pitt Report updates Mondays and Tuesdays!
All characters, stories, and performances are
(C) 2011 Joshua Dyson
All characters, stories, and performances are
(C) 2011 Joshua Dyson
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