Monday, January 2, 2012

New Ink Pitt--Temple Recommend

Is Rufus Ready for his Endowment?!?"

New Ink Pitt--Lenny the Mormon pt. 5 of 5: “Temple Recommend”
Rachel’s minivan pulled up to the Mormon temple. In the passenger side sat Rufus, who was wearing a white suit! White clothing was a requirement for anyone wanting to enter the Mormon temple, and Rufus was no exception! He sat proudly in his seat, admiring his white suit.

“Yes, Rufus?”
“Wh-wh-what color dis?”
“Rufus, I’ve told you fifteen times…it’s white!”
“But, Mommee…it weally bwight! I can seee no color!”
“Rufus, it’s white…take Mommy’s word for it! Besides, you have more important things to worry about!”
Rufus stared blankly. “Wha?”

Rachel cleared her throat. “Rufus, you know why you’re here. Stop playing games with Mommy.”
“W-Where are we?” Rufus looked out the windows of the minivan like he was lost.
“Rufus, honey. We’re at the temple. Today you are going to prove your temple worthiness and get your endowment to become a Mormon priest!”

Rufus looked down at his shoes, which were also white. He had a huge frown on his face. “Momme, I-I DON’T WANNA GO!”
Rachel leaned over and hugged her retarded son, who was in tears. “Calm down, Rufus, you’re only going to be in there a few hours. Mommy will come back for you in a little while.”

“I promise. Lenny and I are going for a little drive while you’re in endowment. We’ll be back when you’re done.”
Also in the minivan, in the backseat, was none other than Lenny the Leprechaun, who was being forced by Rachel to go with Rufus on his upcoming missionary trip that would come after endowment. Rufus looked back at Lenny with hate in his eyes.
“Mommee, where you go with Lenny?”
“We’re going for a drive honey.”
Rachel sighed. “Rufus, it’s none of your business. Now what did Mommy tell you about endowment?”
Rufus stared into space a few seconds before getting an answer. “You say go and listen to Elders and do everything they say.”
“Promise me you’ll do that!”
“I pwomise, Mommee!”

With that, Rachel helped Rufus get out of the minvan, making sure he had his “temple recommend” card that was signed by Brother Brad. Without it, he would not be allowed to enter the temple. Rufus then ran up to the temple entrance and disappeared through the doorway.

Lenny crawled from the back seat and sat beside Rachel on the passenger side. “Well, lass, where are we drivin’, and are we going to be BAD, BAD, BAD?”
Rachel smiled, and put the minivan in drive. “You’ll see!”

All characters, stories, photos, and performances
are (C) 2012 Joshua Dyson

All characters appearing in this work
are fictitious. Any resemblance to real
persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

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