Lenny must
endure disrespect!
Makings of a Mormon pt. 4 of 5: “Good Leppy”
Lenny was relieved. Mormon Sunday School was finally over, and he and Rufus were allowed to leave. Lenny had learned next to nothing about Mormonism, since he was surrounded by a bunch of children, and the “teacher” dozed off in a chair. Lenny had been upset the entire time, but held his tongue for Rachel’s sake.
Lenny felt that there had been a mix-up, and that the Mormons had placed him with the children by accident. The leprechaun thought a little more. Perhaps it hadn’t been an accident at all! What if Brother Brad had had him placed him in the kids’ Sunday school class just so he could spend time with Rachel? That thought sent Lenny into a fit of rage, and he began to run up the hallway towards some double doors that led to the sanctuary. He was going to find Brother Brad and punch him…right in the “noots!”
Rufus yelled from behind. “Lenny, you ‘membah wh-wh-what I say? I TELL MAH MOMMEE IF YOU BAD!!”
Lenny froze in his tracks. He couldn’t risk Rachel putting him out of her life again. This was his last chance to make her his wife, and to be a family. Lenny sighed. Rufus walked up behind and petted him on` the head.
“Th-that a good leppy, Lenny!”
Lenny was boiling over in anger as Rufus called him “leppy!” If he ever got the chance to be the retard’s father, he vowed that he was going to spank his disrespectful arse! For now, he had to go along with things, no matter how bad it got. Lenny the Leprechaun would become a MORMON, at all costs!
A door opened, and Rachel walked out of class with some other women. There was no sign of Brother Brad. Some of Lenny’s anger faded with that knowledge. Rachel took Lenny’s hand and explained that it was time for the main part of Mormon services, which all of them would participate in together. She led Lenny and Rufus through the double doors…
All characters, stories, and performances
are (C) 2011 Joshua Dyson
The characters and events portrayed in this work are fictious.
Any similarity between persons living or dead, are purely coincidental.
Any similarity between persons living or dead, are purely coincidental.
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