Rufus can't get dressed!
Makings of a Mormon pt. 2 of 5: “Name Game”
Lenny arrived at Rachel’s doorstep promptly at 8 AM. After announcing that he was willing to become a Mormon in order to be with her, Rachel had asked Lenny to prove it by attending services at the Mormon church with her! Lenny quickly agreed, and said he would be back Sunday morning. Now, Lenny stood there, dressed in a little green suit with matching tie. If he was having any second thoughts about the whole situation, he showed no sign. Confidence exuded from the leprechaun as he knocked on Rachel’s door.
When Rufus, Rachel’s retarded son, answered the door, a good bit of Lenny’s confidence faded. Rufus stood there, wearing Spongebob Squarepants boxers, a t-shirt, and a tie! Instead of around his neck, the tie was wrapped around the retard’s head! As always, Rufus was also wearing his trademark dunce propeller cap. Rufus looked at Lenny. His mouth dropped open at the sight of the leprechaun.
“Wazz yore naame?” Rufus asked.
Lenny looked at him in disgust. “Ye know me name!” Rufus scratched his head and adjusted his tie so that it was now hanging between his eyes.
“I not know yore naame! Wazz yore name?”
Lenny grew angry. The retard, who is much smarter than people realize, was trying to get Lenny to get upset, in the hopes that Rachel would send him away. Lenny relaxed, and held his anger.
“Me name be Lenny!”
Rufus looked blankly at Lenny for a second. He was obviously stunned that Lenny hadn’t gotten angry. After about a minute of staring, during which slobber began to run out of his open mouth, Rufus got another idea!
“Wha you doin’ here? You bad, bad, bad! I-I tells my mommee you heah! She get wid a you! MOMMEEE!!!”
Rachel quickly came to the door. She was wearing a light purple dress, which went really well with her red hair. Lenny’s heart felt a passionate warmth at the sight of his lady love. She was beautiful, and in that moment, any confidence Lenny had lost in the face of Rufus was restored! Lenny swore to himself that he would become a Mormon against all odds! He and Rachel would raise their child--and Rufus if necessary--as a happy family!
Rufus then tried to tell his “mommee” that Lenny had told him a dirty joke. For a moment, Rachel believed him, but when she looked down and saw Lenny in his little suit, with a smile on his face, she just knew it wasn't so.
“Thanks for coming Lenny, and for being true to your word! Come sit on the couch. We’ll just be a few minutes.” With that, Rachel grabbed a screaming Rufus by the ear, scolded him for telling lies and forced him upstairs to finish getting dressed.
All characters, stories, and performances
are (C) 2011 Joshua Dyson
The characters and events portrayed in this work are fictious.
Any similarity between persons living or dead, are purely coincidental.
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